Dream • Explore • Engage
Pledge online today!
In August, we joyfully welcomed The Reverend Jessica Clay, our new Lead Minister and, together, we are gathered at the trailhead of WBUUC’s future. Our path forward isn’t fully mapped out– we need your help to chart our course. And what’s happening right now is really exciting! The search is on for our new Director of Music Ministries to continue WBUUC’s amazing music program, plus, we’re adding to our Religious Education staff including hiring an RE Assistant and Youth Coordinator. Supper & Soulwork on Wednesday nights has returned to pre-pandemic levels of activity with all-ages programming and community meals every week. We’ve also been reenvisioning worship and how we come together on Sunday mornings for the multiplatform space “we make holy by our presence”. And finally, we’ve been making enhancements to the building and grounds.
See how we engaged at WBUUC in 2023!
During March, our month of stewardship, you are invited to do these two important things to help chart our course together:
1. Attend a Course Charting Conversation (CCC)
Register here: https://bit.ly/wbuuc-ccc
Mar. 14 | 7pm | On Zoom
Mar. 20 | 6:30pm | In-person only
Mar. 24 | 12:30pm | In-person only
In these small group discussions, you’ll be asked to reflect on how you engage at church, what you love, and what you hope for WBUUC. Your input will help us deepen our relationships and move forward in strengthened covenant.
2. Make your 2024-25 Pledge
This is an important year and we ask that all WBUUC members and friends who are able raise their pledges by 10%. Our pledges make our mission manifest: Together, we grow our souls and serve the world. Pledges make it possible to pay for our marvelous staff, care for our building/ grounds, provide resources for all our programming, committees and groups, and fund new staff and programming.